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Our Mission & Vision

We believe to fully affect lives and draw those lives to the KINGDOM of God which we must understand our PURPOSE, understand the process, and effectively PLAN to write the VISION and make it PLAIN.


OUR MISSION IS… To go an bring forth fruit that will remain, and that our fruit will impact the world around us (John 15:16)

OUR MISSION IS… To proclaim the Gospel, glorifying Jesus Christ, being a peculiar people, zealous of good works, in word, purity, love, faith, and in the Holy Spirit, and to be the example for all people to live according to Kingdom principles, to advance in their everyday life! (Matthew 6:33)

OUR MISSION IS… To show the love of Christ by lifting the bowed down head, fallen, visiting the sick, strengthening the weak, being a comfort and to give encouragement to the freebie minded and hearted.


OUR VISION IS… To continue to adhere to the Apostle’s doctrine, being examples to the unbeliever, encouraging all to know, believe and understand the word of God – (Isaiah 43:10)

OUR VISION IS… To minister to the entire person holistically, admonishing them to live according to the will of God.

OUR VISION IS… To be the instruments and channels through Christ can live and work on this earth, striving daily to abandon ourselves, surrendering ourselves, humbling ourselves totally for the Master’s use.

The Five E’s

  1. To Edify… To build lives
  2. To Educate… To teach with understanding that one can have good success.
    1. Spiritually
    1. Naturally
    1. Financially
  3. To Empower… To release individuals to walk in one’s authority, dominion, and anointing.
  4. To Equip… To train individuals to use the Word of God, for holistic living.
  5. To Evangelize… To reach out and spread the gospel (the good news)