Month: January 2024

  • Elevation Service

    Elevation Service

    On January 28th at 6pm, we will host our Holy consecration of our 2024 leaders and ministerial staff. This will be a night of leaders being anointed and set aside to be used of God. This will be held at our East location on 6th Street.

  • Super Soul Sunday

    Super Soul Sunday

    Join us on Sunday, Feb. 11th 2024 for our annual Super Soul Sunday service at 9:30am. Invite your family and friends! Wear your team gear! At 5pm that evening we will also host a Super Bowl party at our West location, 306 Cedar Street in Davenport. Please RSVP with Sis. Wanda.

  • Pastoral Anniversary

    Pastoral Anniversary

    Join us for our 13th year Pastoral Anniversary! We will be expecting a high time in God as we celebrate our leaders and their accomplishments. We will celebrate March 15th- March 17th. All services will be at our East location, 700 East 6th Street in Davenport.